Julian Wright

Lim Chong Yah Professor of Economics at National University of Singapore


  • National University of Singapore



National University of Singapore

I am the Lim Chong Yah Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at the National University of Singapore. Additionally, I am currently co-editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization, a Singapore Competition Appeal Board member, an Energy Market Authority Board member, an Energy Market Authority Licensing, Tariffs & Competition Committee member, and a member of NUS Alumni Ventures.

I hold a PhD in Economics from Stanford University. My research focuses mainly on strategy and policy questions related to digital multi-sided platforms. Sectors I've focused on include payment platforms, online marketplaces, search and booking platforms, peer-to-peer lending, and ridehailing services.

Teaching Areas

  • Industrial Organization
  • Competition Policy

Research Areas

  • Industrial Organization
  • Competition Policy
  • Network Economics

Selected Publications

  • "Intermediation and steering: Competition in prices and commissions" American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2021, forthcoming (with Tat-How Teh)
  • "Search platforms: Showrooming and price parity clauses" RAND Journal of Economics, 2020, 51(1), 32-58 (with Chengsi Wang).
  • "A Price Theory of Multi-Sided Platforms: Comment" American Economic Review, 108(9): 2761-2762 (with Hongru Tan).
  • "Signaling private choices" Review of Economic Studies, 2018, 85 (1), 558-580. (with Younghwan In).
  • "Ad-valorem platform fees, indirect taxes and efficient price discrimination" RAND Journal of Economics, 2017, 48 (2), 467-484 (with Zhu Wang).
  • "Price Coherence and Excessive Intermediation" Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2015, 130 (3): 1283-1328 (with Benjamin Edelman).
  • "Marketplace or Reseller?" Management Science, 2015, 61:184–203 (with Andrei Hagiu).
  • "Why payment card fees are biased against retailers" RAND Journal of Economics, 2012, 43: 761-780.
  • "Mobile Call Termination" Economic Journal, 2009, 119: F270-F307 (with Mark Armstrong).
  • "Exclusive dealing and entry, when buyers compete: Comment" American Economic Review, 2009, 99: 1070-1081.
  • "Competing payment schemes” Journal of Industrial Economics, 2007, 55: 37-67 (with Graeme Guthrie).
  • "Two-sided markets, competitive bottlenecks and exclusive contracts” Economic Theory, 2007, 32: 353-380 (with Mark Armstrong).
  • "Price structure in two-sided markets: Evidence from the magazine industry” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2006, 24: 1-28 (with Ulrich Kaiser).


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