Found 999 experts

Robert Heneman

Fisher College of Business

Faculty Emeritus at Fisher College of Business

Linda Thorne

Schulich School of Business

Professor of Accounting at Schulich School of Business

Charles Dhanaraj

Daniels College of Business

Evelyn & Jay G. Piccinati Endowed Chair Professor of Strategic Management at Daniels College of Business

Dilip Soman

Rotman School of Management

Canada Research Chair in Behavioural Science and Economics; Director, BEAR at Rotman School of Management

Michael Morris

Columbia Business School

Chavkin-Chang Professor of Leadership at Columbia Business School

Jeff Prince

Kelley School of Business

Chairperson and Professor of Business EconomicsHarold A. Poling Chair of Strategic Management at Kelley School of Business

Joshua Gans

Rotman School of Management

Jeffrey S. Skoll Chair of Technical Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Professor of Strategic Management at Rotman School of Management

Amnon Rapoport

Eller Executive Education

Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations at Eller Executive Education

William Sahlman

Harvard Business School

Baker Foundation Professor/Dimitri V. D'Arbeloff - MBA Class of 1955 Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus at Harvard Business School

Melanie Wallendorf

Eller Executive Education

Soldwedel Professor of Marketing, Professor of Sociology at Eller Executive Education