Found 999+ experts

Chelu Martin

IE University

Adjunct Professor of Software Development and Technology Prototyping Tools at IE University

Alastair Lawrence

Haas School of Business

Associate Professor at Haas School of Business

Christie Henry

Yale School of Management

Director, Princeton University Press at Yale School of Management

Mark Forehand

Foster School of Business

Professor of Marketing at Foster School of Business

Liang(Lucas) Wang

Assistant Professor at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Frances Maloy

Foster School of Business

Lecturer of Finance and Business Economics at Foster School of Business

Scott Sonenshein

Jones Graduate School of Business

Henry Gardiner Symonds Professor of Management (Organizational Behavior) at Jones Graduate School of Business

Sam Himelstein

Harvard Medical School

Co-Founder and CEO at Family Spring at Harvard Medical School

Nehan Naim

Assistant Professor at State University of New York - ESF