Nehan Naim

Assistant Professor at State University of New York - ESF


Nehan Naim is an Assistant Professor at SUNY-ESF, with expertise in industrial organization and applied microeconomics. Her work focuses on understanding firms' and individuals' response to incentives, and informing market development strategies and policies to enhance efficiency and welfare. She has used economic modeling to evaluate auctions in electricity markets and fish markets, and is conducting rigorous empirical analysis to study innovations in the smart economy.

Dr. Naim teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in energy economics and finance at ESF, and has previously taught macroeconomics and microeconomics at Northeastern University. She also has varied work experiences in consulting, finance, and policy think tanks.

There are graduate assistant positions available in the following areas: Green Finance and Entrepreneurship; Innovation in Network Industries; Data Science for Energy and Environment; Interdisciplinary Solutions to Climate Change. Please email for more information.


  • PhD in Economics (Industrial Organization), Northeastern University, 2018
  • MA in Economics, Northeastern University, 2012
  • BSc (hons) in Economics (minor in Mathematics), Lahore University of Management Sciences, 2009

Areas of Interest

  • Energy Regulations and Market Design
  • Industrial Organization
  • Project Finance
  • Climate Change Policies and Behavioral Economics
  • IOT Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Fish Markets

Selected Research

  • Impact of Capacity Auctions on Entry and Expansion in the US Electricity Generation
  • For the Life of Coal: Case of Capacity Markets in the US Electricity Sector
  • Technological Shock and Substitution Patterns: Study of Shetland Fish Auctions
  • Consumer Preferences in Differentiated Product Market
  • Do Renewable Energy Regulations Foster Technological Innovation? Evidence from Patenting Activity in OECD Countries

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