Found 999+ experts

Adithya Pattabhiramaiah

The Scheller College of Business

Assistant Professor of Marketing at The Scheller College of Business

Gary Solon

Eller Executive Education

Eller Professor of Economics at Eller Executive Education

Jay Sinha

Fox School of Business

Associate Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management at Fox School of Business

Selahattin Imrohoroglu

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor of Finance and Business Economics at USC Marshall School of Business

Nan Jia

USC Marshall School of Business

Assistant Professor of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Sverre Raffnsøe

CBS Executive

Professor, Research director of The Human Turn - research programme funded by Velux Fonden at CBS Executive

Scott Robertson

Boston University


Steven Farmer

The George Washington University

Associate Professor of Medicine & Health Policy and Management at The George Washington University

Monica LaBarge

Smith School of Business

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Smith School of Business

Monic Sun

Boston University

Associate Professor of Marketing at Boston University