Found 999+ experts

Anthony Fisher

Alliance Manchester Business School

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Alliance Manchester Business School

Tom Mcnamara

Rennes School of Business

Associate Professor at Rennes School of Business

Christian Baccarella

Substitute Professor for Innovation and Management in Agribusiness

Harris Makatsoris

Cranfield School of Management

Professor at Cranfield School of Management

Jonathan Antonio Edelman

Imperial College London

Barbara A Bukhvalova

BI Norwegian Business School

Associate Professor - Department of Finance at BI Norwegian Business School

Daniel Beunza

CBS Executive

Associate professor, at CBS Executive

Alex Jung

Aalto University School of Business

Assistant Professor, Koneoppiminen ja data-analyysi at Aalto University School of Business

Irena Descubes

Rennes School of Business

Associate Professor at Rennes School of Business