Found 730 experts

Dave Chatterjee

Terry College of Business

Associate Professor at Terry College of Business

Anita McGahan

Rotman School of Management

Rotman Chair in Management Professor of Strategic Management at Rotman School of Management

Kathy Kram

Boston University

Professor Emeritus of Management & Organizations at Boston University

Jill Lynette Long Thompson

Kelley School of Business

Visiting Clincal Associate Professor at Kelley School of Business

Thomas Mondschean

DePaul University

Professor Department of Economics at DePaul University

Samantha Conroy

Colorado State University

Associate Professor, Management, Academic Department at Colorado State University

Mykel Kochenderfer

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Don Webber

Bristol Business School

Professor of Applied Economics at Bristol Business School

Markku Kaustia

Aalto University School of Business

Hannes Gebhard Professor in Finance and Insurance at Aalto University School of Business

Todd Jick

Columbia Business School

Senior Lecturer in Discipline in Business at Columbia Business School