Found 999+ experts

Hélène Périvier

Sciences Po

Responsable - programme PRESAGE at Sciences Po

Nina Helene Ronæs

BI Norwegian Business School

Lecturer - Department of Marketing at BI Norwegian Business School

Robert Galford

Harvard Graduate School of Design

Managing Partner at Center for Leading Organizations at Harvard Graduate School of Design

Wen-Qing Ngoei

Singapore Management University

Assistant Professor of History at Singapore Management University

Rosalyn Berne

Professor in the Department of Engineering and Society at the University of Virginia

Aria Bayu Pangestu


Instructor at School of Business and Management at Institut Teknologi Bandung at -

You Jin Kim

CityU College of Business

Assistant Professor at CityU College of Business

Kijoon Lee

Associate Professor in College of Transdisciplinary Studies at Daegu-Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)

Yann Cornil

Sauder School of Business

Assistant Professor, Marketing and Behavioral Science Division at Sauder School of Business

Alex Krieger

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Professor in Practice of Urban Design, Emeritus at Harvard Graduate School of Education