Found 999+ experts

Cosimo Chiesa

IESE Business School

Professor of Marketing at IESE Business School

Jaume Llopis

IESE Business School

Professor Strategic Managemen at IESE Business School

Jorge Mitsuru

IESE Business School

Senior Lecturer of Managing People in Organizations and Business Ethics at IESE Business School

Jorge Soley

IESE Business School

Senior Lecturer of Financial Management at IESE Business School

Stefan Stremersch

IESE Business School

Professor of Marketing at IESE Business School

Joaquim Vilà

IESE Business School

Professor of Strategic Management at IESE Business School

David Wehrheim

IESE Business School

Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at IESE Business School

Timothy Van Zandt

INSEAD Business School

Professor of Economics / Dean of Faculty and Research at INSEAD Business School

Øyvind Bøhren

BI Norwegian Business School

Professor - Department of Finance at BI Norwegian Business School

Donatella De Paoli

BI Norwegian Business School

Associate Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School