Found 307 experts

Ganesh Iyer

Haas School of Business

Marketing Group Chair Edgar F. Kaiser Chair in Business Administration at Haas School of Business

Annette Vissing Jørgensen

Haas School of Business

Professor of Finance at Haas School of Business

Stephanie Watts

Boston University


Emmanuel Lazega

Sciences Po

Bill McEvily

Rotman School of Management

Professor of Strategic Management, Jim Fisher Professor of Leadership Development at Rotman School of Management

Miguel Villas Boas

Haas School of Business

J. Gary Shansby Professor of Marketing Strategy at Haas School of Business

Tim Althoff

Assistant Professor at University of Washington

Nagesh Gavirneni

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Professor at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Julia Cunningham

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Associate Professor of Management and Organizations at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Utpal Dholakia

Jones Graduate School of Business

George R. Brown Professor of Marketing at Jones Graduate School of Business