Found 556 experts

Daniel Halbheer

HEC Paris

Associate Professor Marketing at HEC Paris

Itai Talmi

THNK School of Creative Leadership

Elisa B Schweiger

King’s Business School

Lecturer of Marketing Analytics at King’s Business School

Michael Malone

Dean's Executive Professor of Professional Writing at Santa Clara University

David Fernandez

Singapore Management University

Professor of Finance at Singapore Management University

Julian Wright

National University of Singapore

Lim Chong Yah Professor of Economics at National University of Singapore

Daan Oostveen


University Lecturer at University College Utrecht at -

Paul Damien

McCombs School of Business

Professor at McCombs School of Business

Ashley Florence

Adjunct Professor

Tammy Dewar

Alberta School of Business

Workplace Restoration Coach, Facilitator, Author and Speaker at Alberta School of Business