Found 356 experts

Doris Schedlitzki

Bristol Business School

Associate Professor in Organisational Leadership at Bristol Business School

Maurizio Zollo

SDA Bocconi School of Management

Imperial College London

Professor of Strategy, Innovation and Sustainability at Imperial College London

Amy Sullivan

Harvard Medical School

Michael McGrath

USC Marshall School of Business

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Adjunct Professor of Management & Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Khaldoun Abou Assi

American University School of Public Affairs

Assistant Professor at American University School of Public Affairs

Talmage Egan

Harvard Medical School

Professor and Chair at Harvard Medical School

Jonathan Woodson

Boston University

Lars Anderson Professor in Management and Professor of the Practice, BU Questrom School of Business; Professor of Surgery at the School of Medicine; Professor of Health Law, Policy and Management at the School of Public Health at Boston University

Stefano Carattini

Assistant Professor in Economics in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University

Allison Elias


Darden School of Business

Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Darden School of Business