ZHANG Ruixin

Assistant Professor at the Department of International Economics and Trade at BNU Business School


  • BNU Business School



BNU Business School


  • 2010-2014 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Ph.D. in Economics
  • 2008-2009 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Master in Economics
  • 2004-2008 Harbin Institute of Technology Bachelor in International Economics and Trade

Work Experience

  • 2015 Beijing Normal University, Assistant Professor
  • 2010-2014 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Teaching Assistant

Research Interests

  • International Trade & Finance, Development Economics, Applied Econometrics, Income Distribution

Courses Taught

  • Principle Macroeconomics (undergraduate)
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics (undergraduate)
  • Advanced Macroeconomics (graduate)


Main Journal Articles

  • “The J-Curve: Evidence From Commodity Trade Between U.K. And China”, Applied Economics, Vol.45 (2013), PP.4333-4342. (With M.Bahmani-Oskooee)
  • “The Effects Of Exchange-Rate Volatility On Korean Trade Flows: Industry-Level Estimates”, Economic Papers, Vol.33 (2014), PP.76–94(With M. Bahmani-Oskooee And S. Hegerty).
  • “The S-Curve: China Versus Its Major Trading Partners “, Frontiers Of Economics In China, Vol. 8 (2013), PP. 467–475. (With M.Bahmani-Oskooee)
  • “Korean Trade Flows And The S-Curve”, Korea And The World Economy, Vol.15 (2014), PP. 1-16 (With M. Bahmani-Oskooee).
  • “Is There J-Curve Effect In The Commodity Trade Between Korea And Rest Of The World?”, Economic Change And Restructuring, Vol.47 (2014)? (With M. Bahmani-Oskooee).
  • “Dynamics Of China-UK Commodity Trade: Is There An S-Curve Effect”, The Chinese Economy, Forthcoming. (With M.Bahmani-Oskooee)
  • “Exchange-Rate Risk And U.K.-China Trade: Evidence From 47 Industries”, Chinese Economic And Foreign Trade Studies,Vol.7 (2014), PP. 2-17 (With M. Bahmani-Oskooee, Scott W. Hegerty).
  • “Korea’s Inpayments And Outpayments With The Rest Of The World: Is There Room For Currency Manipulation?”, Asian Economic And Financial Review, Vol.5 (2015), PP.12-32 (With M. Bahmani-Oskooee).
  • “On The Impact Of Financial Development On Income Distribution: Time-Series Evidence”, Applied Economics, Vol.47 (2015), PP. 1248-1271 (With M. Bahmani-Oskooee).


  • “Does Financial Development Improve Or Worsen Income Distribution?” In Financial Markets: Recent Developments, Emerging Practices And Future Prospects, Edited By Mohsen Bahmani-? Oskooee And Sahar Bahmani, Nova Publishing Company, New York, 2013, Ch.1. (With M.Bahmani-Oskooee)
  • “Which Korean Industry Will Benefit From Weakening Won?”, In Exchange Rates In Developed And Emerging Markets: Practices, Challenges, And Economic Implications, Edited By Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Nova Publishing Company, New York, 2013, Ch. 3, Pp. 41-57. (With M.Bahmani-Oskooee)

Published Research Report

  • “The Role Of Financial Development In Promoting Economic Growth, Reducing Inequality And Poverty” Box 1.2. IMF Regional Economic Outlook: Middle East And Central Asia, Nov 2013. (With Sami Ben Naceur)

Working Papers

  • “Financial Development, Poverty And Income Inequality: A Multi-Dimensional Investigation”, IMF Working Paper, Forthcoming. (With Sami Ben Naceur)

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