Viatcheslav Avioutskii

Professor, International Relations at Management School ESSCA


  • Management School ESSCA



Management School ESSCA

Viatcheslav Avioutskii specializes in International Relations and International Business Strategy. He graduated from Ecole HEI Paris (High International Studies) in 1995 and holds a PhD in Geography (Geopolitics) in Paris 8 University (2003), a PhD in Business in Lyon 3 University (2012) and an HDR (Higher Doctorate) (2017).

His area of expertise comprises mostly Central and Eastern Europe and more specifically Russia and Ukraine. He has published four books in French translated in Japanese, Polish and Serbian: ‘La Tchétchénie (Chechnya) (Presses universitaires de France)’, ‘La Géopolitique du Caucase’ (Geopolitics of the Caucasus) (A. Colin)’ (Prize ‘Marie-Joséphine Juglar’ by the French Geographic Society in 2006), ‘Les révolutions de velours (Velvet Revolutions) (A. Colin)’ and ‘Géopolitiques continentales (Continental Geopolitics) (A. Colin)’.

His research interests focus on determinants of FDI, regional clusters of innovation and corporate governance. He is the author of research and conference papers in International Business, which aims to contribute to a better understanding of pull factors of FDI in transitional economies for MNCs (multinational corporations).

As a professor, he specializes in International Environment of Business and its impact on the decision-making of MNCs operating in highly volatile contexts of emerging or transitional countries. He teaches International Trade to the third-year students at ESSCA.

Before joining ESSCA, he had been combining academic and consultant activities. As an expert in due diligence, he assisted with the internationalization of US and European MNCs that were operating in Central and Eastern Europe markets. He had also worked for the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and UNODC (Vienna). He is a coauthor of a research report ‘Afghan Opiate Trafficking along the Northern Route’ (see Research reports).

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