Véronique Helft-Malz

Adjunct Professor at Sorbonne-Assas International Law School


Véronique Helft-Malz lives in Singapore, where she is conducting research for the IRASEC (Research Institute of Contemporary Southeast Asia,Bangkok) and is currently writing a book about political women in Singapore. She also gives lectures on the EU Foreign Policies and Trade Relationships with China, Faculty of Art and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore. She received her Ph.D. in Political Science, cum laude at the University of Pantheon-Assas, Paris and the Master of Political and Social Communication at the University of Sorbonne Paris I – Department of Political Science, Paris.

The thesis topic is the presence of female politicians within the French political life – An Analysis of the collective representations of women vs. reality.

Author of several milestone books and reviews about French women in politics such as Les femmes et la vie politique française, Collection Que sais-je ? Presses Universitaires de France, 2000 and L’Encyclopédie des femmes politiques sous la Vème République, Patrick Banon, 1996, she further studies in-depth these matters in Asia.

She has been, for over 15 years, lecturing, teaching and consulting in leading universities, schools of journalism and private institutions, primarily in political communication in Paris. Her field of research is in the area of Corporate and Public Communication Strategies, Critical Analysis of Media Press Releases and Crisis Communication Policies (University of Sorbonne, ISFJ and EICAR Schools of Journalism).

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