Tatiana Schofield

Founder of Synergy lab / Head of Knowledge Exchange at Royal College of Art / Visiting Lecturer at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London




Imperial College London

As Head of Knowledge Exchange at the Royal College of Art, Tatiana Schofield is leading the RCA’s collaboration with industry, government, SMEs and other external partners to deliver the College’s strategy on external collaboration and executive education. Tatiana holds an MSc degree in engineering from Moscow Power Engineering University and an MBA from Warwick Business School, UK, where she focused on innovation strategy and entrepreneurship. She is a Chartered Marketer and served as Chair of the Greater London Regional Board at the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK in 2014-16.
Tatiana is a Visiting Lecturer at Imperial College London and is Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK for teaching innovation and excellence. Tatiana is a member of the Triple Helix Association. She led the development of THA first webinar series in 2014-15 including topics on critical success factors for university-industry collaboration, innovation ecosystems, academic freedom and knowledge and securing high profile international speakers. Tatiana was a member of the Scientific Committee at the XII Triple Helix conference in Tomsk, Russia.
As part of her role as Head of Knowledge Exchange at the RCA, Tatiana involved the RCA as an institutional member and continues to actively develop university-industry-government dialogue giving talks and presentations at events including Higher Education Entrepreneurship Group and Knowledge London in the UK, university development programmes in Russia, SRA International in the USA.
Tatiana has over 20 years' experience in research commercialisation, business development and professional training. Throughout her career Tatiana has held senior management roles at leading universities and professional training institutions including Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Kaplan Professional (part of Washington Post Group), London Business School and Imperial College London. Since 2014, Tatiana has been working as a consultant to universities and government institutions specialising in technology commercialisation, enterprise, open innovation and staff development. Tatiana frequently speaks at high-profile events and presents her research and practical experience in university-industry collaboration, knowledge transfer and open innovation. Her publication on critical success factors in university-industry partnership won the Best Paper of the Year 2012 Award by SRA International. Tatiana is passionate about learning and education, academic enterprise and open innovation. She is a big advocate of STEM to STEAM/d:STEM agenda bringing science, engineering, technology and creativity to achieve a sustainable growth, productivity and competitiveness. Tatiana has developed a 5-year institutional knowledge exchange strategy for the RCA, which was commended by Higher Education Funding Council in England (HEFCE) among only 13 other universities in the UK.
Tatiana brings a unique perspective of university-industry partnership combined with her 20-year experience in international business development, innovation management and academic enterprise. As a Chartered Marketer Tatiana uses her marketing knowledge in her everyday work: from understanding users' needs and creating customer demand to developing effective communication and project dissemination campaigns, which are becoming increasingly important in the context of open innovation, partnership and collaboration.
As part of the THA Board, Tatiana would be interested in developing online services including learning and education, brining creativity and design to STEM, developing consultancy and training activities and international development.

Career Summary

  • Royal College of Art, Head of Knowledge Exchange Sep-15 to date
  • Imperial College London, Visiting Lecturer, Innovation management May-14 to date
  • Synergy lab, Founder and Director Feb-14 to date
  • Imperial College London, Theme Leader, Imperial Consultants May-06-Feb-14
  • London Business School, Project Manager May-05-Apr-06
  • Kaplan Professional, Strategic Account Manager Mar-03-Apr-05
  • Chartered Institute of Management Accounts (CIMA), Bus. Development Jun-99-Jan-03
  • British International School (BIS), Moscow, Deputy Director, Finance Oct-96-May-99
  • Earlier career in applied research in microelectronics (1983-1996)


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