Stephanie Klein

Founder & CEO at Mindfire Mastery at Booth School of Business


  • Booth School of Business




Booth School of Business

Stephanie’s experience as a 3x Chief Marketing Officer in Fortune 500 firms helps her understand the challenges and stress of leading through uncertainty, crisis and organizational change. As a new CMO in 2008, she led her global team through the financial crisis. When she came up for air several years later, she was diagnosed with life threatening breast cancer that opened her awareness to the toll her stressful life was taking on her body, mind and spirit. She realized self compassion, mindfulness and balance were critical for her healing journey, while opening her up to be a more vulnerable and connected leader, mother, partner and friend.

After leading through the joy and tribulations of a transformative acquisition in 2017, she realized it was time for her to walk away and pursue a more meaningful second act. She began a journey of education and growth that led her to become a Certified Search Inside Yourself Instructor, Executive Coach, Speaker and author. Her disruptive story of leaving the C-suite will be published in the anthology, “Turning Point Moments: True Inspirational Stories About Creating a Life that Works for You” (June 2022). Her book “Waking Up on the the Right Side of Wrong“, will be published in late fall 2022 – about how we can use disruption and mindset to positively change the trajectory of our lives.

As an Executive Coach, Positive Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence Trainer, Educator, Speaker and Author, she is passionate about empowering elite professionals to thrive through change. She helps them bravely embrace their authenticity, learn to adapt with choice, and stretch with confidence and compassion, so they optimize performance and wellbeing and build mental resilience to shift from burnout to balance. What lights her up is seeing how inner transformation creates positive outer change, with myriad ripple effects across relationships, organizations, communities and our world.


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