Sigal Barsade

Joseph Frank Bernstein Professor at The Wharton School


The Wharton School


PhD, University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business, 1994; BA, University of California, Los Angeles, 1986

Recent Consulting

Research and consulting involve the influence of emotions and emotional intelligence on work behavior, organizational culture and organizational culture change, team behavior, executives and their management teams. Dr. Barsade has been engaged as a speaker or consultant to numerous large corporations across myriad industries such as Cisco, Coca Cola, Coldwell Banker, Comcast, Deloitte, Del Monte, Estee Lauder, Google, Hertz, Hitachi, IBM, KPMG, Lincoln Financial, Magna PowerTrain, Merrill Lynch, the NBA, the NFL, Office Depot, Penske, State Farm Insurance, Sunoco, US Trust, and Wyndham Worldwide; health care and biopharma organizations such as GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and Penn Medicine; public and not for profit corporations such as the OECD, World Economic Forum and the United Nations; as well as to small entrepreneurial organizations. The focus of her research expertise, speaking and consulting practice is emotional intelligence, organizational culture, leadership, organizational change and teamwork.

Academic Positions Held

Wharton: 2003present. Previous appointment: Yale University

Professional Leadership

Editorial Board, Administrative Science Quarterly, 19992014; Editorial Board, Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, July 20072010; Editorial Board, Organization Science, January 2008present; Editorial Board, Academy of Management Review, 20022008; Judge, Academy of Management Outstanding Publication in Organizational Behavior  Award, 2013 & 2014; Judge, Academy of Management Newman Award, 2009; Panelist, OB Junior Faculty Workshop, 2007, 2011, 2012.

Corporate and Public Sector Leadership

Board Chair, CT Children’s Museum, 19992006; Board Member, CT Children's Museum, 19992014; Board of Advisors, University of Pennsylvania, Student Federal Credit Union, 20102011; Board Member, Adath Israel Preschool, 20062009.

Sigal Barsade and Amanda O'Neill (2016), Emotional Culture, Harvard Business Review.

Sigal Barsade and Andrew P. Knight (2015), Group Affect , Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, pp. 2146.

Abstract:* Over two decades of research has indicated that group affect is an important factor that shapes group processes and outcomes. We review and synthesize research on group affect, encompassing trait affect, moods, and emotions at a collective level in purposive teams. We begin by defining group affect and examining four major types of collective affective constructs: (a) convergence in group affect; (b) affective diversity, that is, divergence in group affect; (c) emotional culture; and (d) group affect as a dynamic process that changes over time. We describe the nomological network of group affect, examining both its grouplevel antecedents and grouplevel consequences. Antecedents include group leadership, group member attributes, and interactions between and relationships among group members. Consequences of group affect include attitudes about the group and grouplevel cooperation and conflict, creativity, decision making, and performance. We close by discussing current research knowns, research needs, and what lies on the conceptual and methodological frontiers of this domain.

Hillary Elfenbein, Sigal Barsade, Noah Eisenkraft (2015), The Social Perception of Emotional Abilities: Expanding What We Know About Observer Ratings of Emotional Intelligence , Emotion, 15, pp. 1734.

Abstract:* We examine the social perception of emotional intelligence (EI) through the use of observer ratings. Individuals frequently judge others’ emotional abilities in realworld settings, yet we know little about the properties of such ratings. This article examines the social perception of EI and expands the evidence to evaluate its reliability and crossjudge agreement, as well as its convergent, divergent, and predictive validity. Three studies use realworld colleagues as observers and data from 2,521 participants. Results indicate significant consensus across observers about targets’ EI, moderate but significant self– observer agreement, and modest but relatively consistent discriminant validity across the components of EI. Observer ratings significantly predicted interdependent task performance, even after controlling for numerous factors. Notably, predictive validity was greater for observerrated than for selfrated or abilitytested EI. We discuss the minimal associations of observer ratings with abilitytested EI, study limitations, future directions, and practical implications.

Melissa Valentine, Sigal Barsade, Amy Edmondson, Amit Gal, Robert Rhodes (2014), Informal Peer Interaction and Practice Type as Predictors of Physician Performance on Maintenance of Certification Examinations , JAMA Surgeon, 149, pp. 597603.

Andrew Hafenbrack, Zoe Kinias, Sigal Barsade (2014), Debiasing the Mind Through Meditation: Mindfulness and the SunkCost Bias , Psychological Science, 25, pp. 369376.

Sigal Barsade and Olivia A. O'Neill (2014), What’s Love got to do with it?: The Influence of a Culture of Companionate Love in the Longterm Care Setting , Administrative Science Quarterly, 59, pp. 551598.

Abstract:* Companionate love is a basic human emotion that has been largely neglected within the domain of organizational behavior. In this longitudinal study, we build a theory of a culture of companionate love, examining the culture’s influence on outcomes for employees and the clients they serve in a longterm care setting. Using outside observer, employee and family member measures, we find that a culture of companionate love positively relates to employee satisfaction and teamwork and negatively relates to employee absenteeism and emotional exhaustion. Employee trait positive affect moderates the influence of the culture of companionate love, amplifying its positive influence for employees higher in trait PA. We also find a positive association between a culture of companionate love and client outcomes, specifically, better patient mood, quality of life, satisfaction, and fewer trips to the emergency room. The study finds some association between a culture of love and family satisfaction with the longterm care facility. Exploratory analyses indicated a relationship between a culture of companionate love artifacts and employee outcomes. We discuss the implications of a culture of companionate love for both emotions and organizational culture theory. We also consider the relevance of a culture of companionate love in other industries and explore its managerial implications for the healthcare industry and beyond.

Sigal Barsade and A.P. Knight (2013), Affect in groups: Traversing levels of analysis and exploring new conceptualizations , Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

Hakan Ozcelik and Sigal Barsade (2011), Work Loneliness and Employee Performance , Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

Abstract:* We studied employee loneliness, a prevalent workplace emotion that has received little attention within the organizational behavior field. Results supported our hypothesized model where greater loneliness led to poorer task, team role and relational performance as mediated by lowered affective commitment and to a lesser extent increased surface acting.

Allan Filipowicz, Sigal Barsade, Shimul Melwani (2011), Emotional Transitions in Social Interactions: Beyond Steady State Emotion , Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(3): 541556.

Shimul Melwani and Sigal Barsade (2011), Held in Contempt: The Psychological Interpersonal and Performance Outcomes of Contempt in a Work Setting , Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(3): 503520.

Past Courses


This course examines the art and science of negotiation, with additional emphasis on conflict resolution. Students will engage in a number of simulated negotiations ranging from simple oneissue transactions to multiparty joint ventures. Through these exercises and associated readings, students explore the basic theoretical models of bargaining and have an opportunity to test and improve their negotiation skills.


This course includes not only conflict resolution but techniques which help manage and even encourage the valuable aspects of conflict. The central issues of this course deal with understanding the behavior of individuals, groups, and organizations in conflict management situations. The purpose of this course is to understand the theory and processes of negotiations as it is practiced ina variety of settings. The course is designed to be relevant to the broad specturm of problems that are faced by the manager and professional including management of multinationals, ethical issues, and alternative dispute resolutions. Cross listed w/ LGST 206 & OPIM 291.


Management 610 is the first core course in the MBA Program and it cannot be waived. The first week of the fall term (in August) is dedicated to this formative and foundational experience. This course focuses on developing students' knowledge and skill set for teamwork and leadership. It is meant to be an intense immersion experience that draws strongly on the pedagogy of the Wharton Teamwork and Leadership Simulation, a teambased, highly interactive simulation that was customdesigned specifically to allow students to experience the core concepts they learn in this class. The three goals of this course are for students to learn: 1. Leadership behaviors: how to enact the skills that contribute to a team's effective performance. 2. Team dynamics: how to be an effective team member, as well as how to best design work teams; 3. Organizational awareness: understanding organizational culture. ,Format: A customdesigned Whartononly simulation is paired with course sessions to deliver a unique learning experience. Classes will include experiental learning combined with debriefings, lectures, readings, class discussion and personal and group performance feedback. This course reflects the realities that informal leadership occurs in teams on an ongoing basis, that being a good team player is a part of leadership, and that many of one's early experiences with leadership will occur while working on teams. Because of the teambased nature of this course, and time intensive nature of this experience, attendance is mandatory for ALL five sessions of this class. ,NOTE: Creditbearing, core coursework begins with the MGMT610: Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership course.


The purpose of this course is to examine and understand theory and empirical research in the field of microorganizational behavior. We will study a blend of classic and contemporary literature and examine theoretical propositions of individual and group behavior in organizations as well as discussing and critically evaluating empirical studies based on these theories. Sample topics includethe What is MicroOB?, ther person versus situation debate, motivation, job design, group dynamics, leadership and organizational culture and socialization. Mgmt. 951 is a companion class to Mgmt. 961, and you can take it in either order.


This is a one quarter class where we examine and understand basics in emotions theory and its application in organizational behavior. To do so, we will cover a blend of basic psychological theories and organizational behavior literature so that we can appreciate the prevailing theories and findings in various areas of emotions and organizations, and gain a deep understanding of the psychological basis necessary to fully understand organizational behavior research. Specifically, we will examine how affect (consisting of emotions, moods, and affective traits) influences perceptions, cognitions and behavior within organizations. We will critically examine the existing knowledge of emotions in organizational life and identify possible future venues of research. We will begin by examining the nature of emotions in general and then focus on the organizational context, examining specific types of emotions and content areas that have been investigated within organizational behavior research.


The purpose of this quarter course is to continue to explore key concepts and research programs in the field of microorganizational behavior that we began to study in MGMT 951. To do so, we will cover a blend of classic and contemporary literature so that we can appreciate the prevailing theories and findings in various areas of microorganizational behavior. In addition, for each topic we will then try to go beyond the existing literature. We will work to increase our understanding by reframing the research variables, altering the perspective, bringing in new theory, and comparing levels of analysis. Building on the topics we examined in MGMT 951, we will explore further organizational behavior topics including identity, fit, extra role behaviors, job design, creativity, status, power and influence.

Outstanding Published Article in Positive Organizational Scholarship, 2017 MBA Excellence in Teaching: Core Curriculum Award (top 10 teaching ratings in Core), 2012 MBA Excellence in Teaching: Core Curriculum Award, 2010 MBA Teaching Commitment and Curricular Innovation Award, 2010 Keynote Speaker, Consortia for Research in Emotional Intelligence, 2009 Fast moving Front Report, one of the most cited contagion articles, Thompson Reuters ScienceWatch, 2009 Finalist, Academy of Management Perspectives Best Paper Award, 2008 Abigail Adams Award, 2007 Keynote Speaker, The Affective Revolution in Organizations, International Society of Emotions Researchers (ISRE), 2005 OB Division, Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Meetings, 1999 Conflict Management Special Award: Most influential paper within the Conflict Management Field, 1997 Hayase Award, UC Berkeley, 1992

Why Snapchat’s unprecedented real estate strategy in Venice could be tech’s new standard 02/25/2017 3 Things Remarkable Leaders Do to Avoid a Toxic Work Culture, Wharton In The News 07/13/2016 You Feel Me? Why Emotional Culture Matters at Work, BOFCareers 04/11/2016 How to Tell Your Colleague You Dropped the Ball, Harvard Business Review 03/11/2016 In a Mood? Maybe You Caught It From Someone Else, Brain Decoder 02/01/2016 A Culture of Companionate Love – Why you need it at work, Freedom at Work Talks by WorldBlu 11/03/2015 The Benefits of Meditation: Better Choices, Better Outcomes, Wharton@Work 08/31/2015 Is a chief happiness officer really the best way to increase workplace happiness?, The Guardian 08/26/2015 Culture Matters: Shaping a Culture That Works, Wharton@Work 07/01/2015 A Compassionate Work Culture Can Really Benefit The Bottom Line, Too, Huffington Post 04/29/2015 Is There an Antidote for Emotional Contagion?, New Yorker 04/21/2015 Leader’s Resolution: This Year, Roll Up Your Sleeves & Help, Psychology Today 01/15/2015 Can You Meditate Your Way to Smarter Business Decisions?, Psychology Today 11/17/2014 Friendships at Work, NPR Interviewed by Marti MossCoane, Radio times 11/06/2014 Faster than a Speeding Text: “Emotional Contagion” At Work, Psychology Today 10/15/2014 Five Steps for Managing Culture Change, Wharton@Work 09/30/2014 Feeling the Love—At Work, Psychology Today 08/13/2014 Being lonely at work is bad for business, Fortune 07/29/2014 How meditation can help you in decision making, The Economic Times 06/06/2014 Meditation Makes People Feel Better. Can It Help You Work Smarter, Too?, Bloomberg Businessweek 02/12/2014 Mindfulness meditation may improve decisionmaking, Science Daily 02/12/2014 Emotional Intelligence and Business – In the Balance, BBC World Service 01/25/2014 Why ‘Love’ In The Workplace Boosts Morale, Huffington Post 01/25/2014 Work Teams Have Emotions, Too (and you need to understand them), European Business Review 01/24/2014 Meditating on Those Sunk Costs, Freakonomics 01/21/2014 Don’t be afraid of love in the workplace, Chicago Tribune 01/20/2014 Employees Who Feel Love Perform Better, Harvard Business Review 01/13/2014 When It’s OK to Love Someone at the Office, Wall Street Journal 01/08/2014 The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence, The Atlantic 01/02/2014 How to Handle a Hurricane (Office Edition), The Wall Street Journal 12/30/2013 Why Who You Sit With Changes The Way You Work, Fast Company 10/17/2013 Bosses Take a Stand on Where Workers Sit, Wall Street Journal 10/09/2013 Meditate For More Profitable Decisions, Forbes 09/25/2013 Easy Way to Higher Profits; Mediation, Inc. 09/24/2013 6 Tips for Dealing With a Passive Boss, US News 03/27/2013 Benefits of facetoface communication among coworkers, Wall Street Journal 02/25/2013 How To Make Your Employees Happier, Fast Company 01/08/2013 Stuck at Home? 10 Tips for Working, The Wall Street Journal 11/02/2012 How to End the Age of Inattention, The Wall Street Journal 06/01/2012 Don’t Cry (at the Office), The Wall Street Journal 05/08/2012 The Wharton School Announces Executive Education Program to Help New Business Leaders Transition Into Management Roles, Wharton News 03/12/2012 Building a Bridge to a Lonely Colleague, New York Times 01/28/2012 Wharton Offers Leadership Lessons Through Immersive Technology, Wharton News 08/24/2011 Crying In The Workplace, CBS Philly 05/31/2011 Go Ahead – Cry at Work, Time 04/04/2011 Emotional Contagion, Wharton@Work 02/28/2011 Smile! It Just Might Help the Economy, The Big Money 09/10/2009 The ripple effect: Emotional contagion and its influence on group behavior, ScienceWatch 05/06/2009 Does Your Company Have An Attitude Problem?, Forbes 01/03/2008 All Work and No Play Makes A Company…Unproductive, US News and World Report 08/05/2007 Cranky Bosses Don’t Get the Job Done, US News and World Report 07/30/2007 When Feelings Go To Work, Wharton's Alumni Magazine 04/04/2006

Knowledge @ Wharton

How Will Corporate America’s New Political Boldness Affect Its Brands?, Knowledge @ Wharton 02/09/2017 Is Cultural Fit a Qualification for Hiring or a Disguise for Bias?, Knowledge @ Wharton 07/16/2015 Has Human Resources Lost Its Edge in a Techdriven World?, Knowledge @ Wharton 05/19/2015 Embedding a ‘Culture of Security’ Is the Best Defense, Knowledge @ Wharton 02/16/2015 Stressed Out by Work? You’re Not Alone, Knowledge @ Wharton 10/30/2014 Making a Big (or Small) Decision? How Meditation Can Help, Knowledge @ Wharton 05/27/2014 Why Fostering a Culture of ‘Companionate Love’ in the Workplace Matters, Knowledge @ Wharton 04/02/2014 Meditation’s Next Frontier: Improving Customer Service, Knowledge @ Wharton 07/26/2013 Is the Death of the PC Imminent?, Knowledge @ Wharton 04/23/2013 If Not a Raise, Then What?, Knowledge @ Wharton 01/31/2012 Ban Email? Mon Dieu!, Knowledge @ Wharton 12/08/2011 The Bad Apple Syndrome, Knowledge @ Wharton 11/03/2011 From Freelancers to Telecommuters: Succeeding in the New World of Solitary Work, Knowledge @ Wharton 06/29/2011 Available All the Time: Etiquette for the Social Networking Age, Knowledge @ Wharton 09/30/2009 Economic Recovery: Are Happy Days Here Again?, Knowledge @ Wharton 06/10/2009 ‘Don’t Touch My Perks’: Companies that Eliminate Them Risk Employee Backlash, Knowledge @ Wharton 07/23/2008 Caught in the Middle: Why Developing and Retaining Middle Managers Can Be So Challenging, Knowledge @ Wharton 05/28/2008 The ‘Eldercare Generation’ Cares About Continuing to Work: Are Companies Interested in Keeping Them?, Knowledge @ Wharton 10/17/2007 Managing Emotions in the Workplace: Do Positive and Negative Attitudes Drive Performance?, Knowledge @ Wharton 04/18/2007 More than Job Demands or Personality, Lack of Organizational Respect Fuels Employee Burnout, Knowledge @ Wharton 11/15/2006 Plateauing: Redefining Success at Work, Knowledge @ Wharton 10/04/2006 The ‘Masculine’ and ‘Feminine’ Sides of Leadership and Culture: Perception vs. Reality, Knowledge @ Wharton 10/05/2005 The Human Side of Mergers: Those Laid Off and Those Left Aboard, Knowledge @ Wharton 03/30/2005 Leading from Within Means Learning to Manage Your Ego and Emotions, Knowledge @ Wharton 04/07/2004


Courses Taught

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