Rosaria Talarico

Teaching professional


I have been a “natural born journalist” since the age of 8. I have a degree in Communication Sciences from “La Sapienza” in Rome, with a master thesis on interview techniques.

I work for one of the most important newspaper in Italy, La Stampa. I have covered almost every beat, especially economic issues and foreign affairs. I was embedded with the Italian troops. I have always been a freelance since the start of my career, 15 years ago.

In 2013 I got the Maurizio Rampino Prize (National Award) for an investigative reporting on international money laundering and cash trafficking published by Il Reportage.

In 2007 I won the XIV National Journalistic Award “Natale Ucsi” – (Italian Catholic Press Union) Targa Athesis, for distinguished young journalists, for coverage on low income labor at schools, published by the newspaper La Stampa.


  • Senior Journalist Stato Maggiore della Difesa - Forze Armate -Informazioni della difesa (2019)
  • Delegate GIST - Gruppo Italiano Stampa Turistica (2019)
  • Associate Advisor TT&A Advisors (2017)
  • Teaching professional Università degli Studi di Pavia (2016)
  • Teaching Professional AGI Associazione giornalismo investigativo (2011)
  • Spokesperson Esercito Italiano - Italian Army (2021 — 2021)
  • Teaching professional Esercito Italiano - Italian Army (2020 — 2021)
  • Committee Member Commissione lavoro autonomo nazionale (2018 — 2019)
  • Board Member Associazione Stampa Romana (Journalist Union) (2015 — 2019)

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