Robert Spieker

CCO at Inner Peace Network at THNK School of Creative Leadership


  • THNK School of Creative Leadership




THNK School of Creative Leadership

My name is Robert Spieker. I was born with a great set of assets: the clear thinking from my father, the empathy and compassion from my mother. As a child, I quickly found myself full of joy, creativity, and playfulness. That's no surprise with the name Robert.

I spent a 30-year career in (international) business consulting with Accenture, Booz Allen, and later as an entrepreneur and equity partner with IG&H. I developed deep expertise in customer centricity and a passion for transformation within retail and consumer companies. I loved the leadership and people coaching side in particular.

Some life-changing events in my later forties helped me move from mind to heart, synchronicity all over. I found a deep connection to nature, opened the door to spirituality and self-consciousness, felt a deep calling to connect people and make their inner beauty shine – utimately contributing to making this a more united world where we live as one.

Today I am an impact investor and coach to make self-consciousness accessible, as a partner at the Inner Peace Network and as a board member supporting the Meditatietuin Amsterdam in its development. As a trail facilitator, I like to bring people in touch with their inner self in nature and, where possible, wilderness. As an urban explorer, I love to follow the energy and flow of vibrant cities like Amsterdam, Berlin, Lisbon, and Tokyo. I thrive when I can create settings that host and bring people together in rich conversations, connection, friendship, and joy.

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