Renaud Bachelot

Adjunct researcher at Université Paris-Saclay



Renaud Bachelot, 51, is a full professor of physics at the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) that he joined in 1996 after graduate studies and PhD at the University of Paris 7 and ESPCI graduate school (Paris). His area of expertise includes nano-optics, near-field optics, local light/polymer interaction, scanning probe microscopy, nano-optoelectronics and nanoplasmonics.

At UTT, R. Bachelot is the director of a new graduate School “Nanooptics & Nanophotonics”

From 2011 to august 2019, RB has been the head the Light, nanomaterials nanotechnologies Laboratory involving more than 90 people ( He has also been the director of the UTT “material science” engineering master program (MTE, 230 students) from 2006 to 2011 and the vice-president of the UTT’s scientific boards for 4 years (2011-2014)

His national influence includes activities such as Board Member of the Faculty of Physics of the Pierre and Marie Curie University (Sorbonne University, Paris, since 2017), President of the scientific board of the EPF-Ecole d’ingénieur(e)s graduate school (since 2011), elected board member of the French Society of Physics, condensed matter section (2009-2013) and expert for the National Observatory for Micro-Nano Technologies (OMNT, 2009-2014).

His international influence lies on positions such as (e. g.) joint-professor of the Shanghai University (since 2019), invited scholar in Argonne National Laboratory USA (2003-2004) and Tan Chin Tuan Fellowship at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore, summer 2012).

Since 2017, RB is an elected member of the Executive Committee of the Center for Nanoscale Materials (Argonne National Laboratory, USA. He also has been member of the management committee of the European ICT COST action “Integrating devices and materials: a challenge for new instrumentation in ICT” ICT1208 (2012-2017).

RB’s experience in project management is strong: he has been the PI of seven major research projects (by “major” one means “duration > 2 years”, “grant > 200k€”) among them two international ones: i) «New MULti functional and multi color HYbrid Nano-emitter”, joint France-Singapore ANR-NRF international program 2016-2020 ii) “Hybrid plasmonics”, Partner university Funds (with Argonne National Laboratory, USA) 2010-2013

RB has been the chair of the NFO-15 international conference that took place in August 2018 in Troyes, France.

Finally, RB has been the (co)supervisor of 23 PhD students and the co-author of more than 140 peer-reviewed articles (H=38, cf. google scholar), 10 book chapters and 5 patents.

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