Peter Padbury

Chief Futurist at Policy Horizons Canada at DeGroote School of Business


  • DeGroote School of Business



DeGroote School of Business

Peter Padbury is one of Canada’s most experienced strategic foresight practitioners having most recently served as Chief Futurist at Policy Horizons Canada, the federal government’s futures thinking institute that he helped establish in 2008. Over his career, Peter has led hundreds of foresight projects that developed vision, policy and strategy on behalf of federal government departments, NGOs, businesses and UN agencies across a wide range of themes. He has also led extended work assignments in Costa Rica, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Holland, New York and Geneva and has engaged in work-related travel in over 50 countries.

Peter has a MSc in Future Studies from the University of Houston (with a focus on participatory foresight methods). He has served on the board of directors for a number of organizations and is a founding member of the Association of Professional Futurists.

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