Peter Mortifee

at THNK School of Creative Leadership


  • THNK School of Creative Leadership



THNK School of Creative Leadership

Co-Founder & Chair at Somerset Foundation

My experience and deep interests:

I am based in: Vancouver

I live in Vancouver, Canada where I was born. I have also lived in France and New Zealand and traveled extensively. An Outward Bound program in the wilderness of British Columbia as a teenager rocked me and sealed my determination to live a full life. My journey to become a medical doctor and specialist determined much of my early adult years and exposed me to situations that reverberate inside me to this day. Becoming a parent of two daughters changed the game in my 30’s. Losing my parents and the end of my first marriage in my 40’s shook me to the core leaving me bewildered and somewhat lost. I subsequently navigated my way into the second half of my life with some wise guidance and much-needed support that I remain most grateful for. What has followed are opportunities that have quite simply exceeded my wildest dreams. I’m immensely grateful for the intimate and committed relationship I have with my wife Nancy. We are truly allies to each other.

I do what I do because cultivating a life of service, aligned with my personal mission, has calmed my inner skeptic and ignited more gratitude for the present and optimism for the future. My mission to co-create a world of inner and collective wellbeing infuses every aspect of my life, including through the Somerset Foundation which supports my engagement in initiatives that bring me a sense of purpose, possibility, and fulfillment. I’m fascinated by how financial resources can be aligned to support positive social change.

I value honesty, courage, and compassion in leadership. I’m particularly moved by leaders who are curious and caring, and who humbly share the truth of their own challenges, both personal and professional, in generative and compelling ways.

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