Paul Lowengrub

Adjunct Professor at University of Maryland University College


Proven Financial Professional with over 12 years experience in economics and finance consulting involving matters related to litigation, regulatory issues, and general economic analyses (cost-benefit and economic impact). Able to manage multiple large projects that include quantitative and qualitative analyses, such as the development of sophisticated empirical models using large (5+ million observations) and small data sets, fact finding, research and document review, setting project goals, timelines, budgets, staffing and bill preparation. Strong analytical and communication skills with ability to model and analyze data using programs such as SAS, E-Views, STATA, and Excel and translate results into simple messages easily grasped by the target audience. Authored articles published in both academic and non-academic periodicals on various topics, including corporate finance, corporate governance, international finance, market-microstructure, and litigation (securities, damage models and backdating). About my work: Advise clients and provide expert testimony in a broad range of matters involving alleged violations of federal securities laws. My experience includes work in class actions, stock options, valuation, and bankruptcy. I also assist companies, and associations, and that may be affected by regulation to make strategic, investment, pricing, and financing decisions. My expertise is grounded in a thorough understanding of finance and economic theory, accounting, financial products, capital markets, regulation, and industry custom and practice.

Areas of expertise:

  • Corporate Finance (securities, market-microstructure, corporate governance, cost of capital, risk management)
  • Regulatory Issues (rate cases, cost of capital, economic impact analysis)
  • Econometrics
  • Applied microeconomics


  • Ph.d. Arizona State University - W. P. Carey School of Business (1995 — 1999)
  • BA Kenyon College (1989 — 1993)

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