Mick Liubinskas



Mick Liubinskas is a high energy, technology entrepreneur, investor and industry leader.

He programmed his Commodore 64 at age 12, sold computer networks at age 17, raised capital for a business at 22 and ran marketing globally for Kazaa at 26.

For the past 18 years he has co-founded 12 technology startup companies, including starting Pollenizer with Phil Morle. This has included evaluating 1,000′s of ideas, building first products, launching globally, raising capital, closing businesses, selling businesses and all the emotional rollercoaster rides in between.

His most successful companies are Wooboard which sold to Reffind, Oomph which is leading the world in iPad publishing and Spreets which sold to Spreets for ~$40m in 13 months.

Mick is often known as Mr Focus due to his strong drive for starting small and fast, embracing failure on the road to success and avoiding the entrepreneurial distractions.

He’s also proud of his role in helping to establish and build the technology entrepreneur industry in Sydney and Australia with Silicon Beach and Startmate.


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