Megan Mulrine

Teacher Trainer


Megan Mulrine, the founder of Yogatrotter, is a yoga instructor at the E-RYT 500+ level who has trained more than 600 yoga teachers in Bali during their 200 or 300hr YTT programs.

Having practiced yoga since she was a teenager growing up in the northeast USA, Megan’s yoga studies grew more profound in 2008 while attending Villanova University, where she was taught for four years by an Augustinian priest, Father David Creegan, who doubled as a yoga instructor and theater professor. Megan is a natural storyteller and writer, and as an English major specializing in writing and rhetoric, she soon began guiding classmates in meditation and mindfulness practices while working at the University’s Writing Center, to help them de-stress before exams.

After graduating, Megan moved to Virginia Beach with her partner Michael and began an Iyengar-inspired yoga course at Oceanfront Yoga, which focused largely on anatomy and alignment. The physical teachings led her to explore more advanced asana and arm balances in her personal practice, and to begin teaching.

In late 2013, Megan and Michael moved to Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan, where Megan spent three years teaching yoga and meditation to Japanese locals, American expats, and U.S. Marines stationed on the local military base in Iwakuni. During her three years in Japan, Megan became deeply fascinated by Buddhist meditation and found a profound love for the practice. She also became increasingly interested in the history of yoga, and in 2015 traveled to Bali in the hopes of learning more about Hindu philosophy and the ancient practice.

In Bali, she attended a yoga teacher training with Santosha Yoga Institute and fell in love with the Krishnamacharya lineage of Hatha yoga. Experiencing a deep past-life connection to Bali, Megan returned for a 500-hour YTT a year later in 2016, which led to her moving to Bali in late 2016 to become a lead teacher for Santosha. She also continued her Buddhist meditation studies with Pak Merta Ada, a Balinese healer who teaches Bali Usada meditation, and began passing on his teachings and facilitating meditation in this style in 2017. She also began leading past-life akashic regressions in the style of Dr. Brian Weiss at this time.

Megan found her passion in Bali for Hindu mythology as it relates to Yoga, by studying the epics (like the Mahabarata and the Ramayana) and sharing these stories with her classes to deepen their understanding of the asana names. This passion led her to India (Rhajastan) where she studied harmonium and mantra at the Krishna School of Music, as well as to East Bali, where she learned Balinese ceremony and chanting with Bunda Parvati, a local priestess.

Now, Megan facilitates deeply spiritual continuing education for yoga teachers to learn more about the Hindu history of Yoga, as well as 200-hour teacher trainings to certify new yoga teachers.

Megan radiates joy and enthusiasm in her teachings, often channeling her lessons from Akashic energy, and her students leave class more confident in their own unique power.

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