Majid Ghorbani

Associate Professor of Practice at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) / Associate Professor in the Department of General Management at Renmin Business School


  • Renmin Business School



Renmin Business School


  • 2012 Ph.D., International Management, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada
  • 2004 MBA, International Business, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada
  • 1996 BLL, International Politics, Department of International Politics, Peking University, China

Working Experiences

  • 2017-Present Associate Professor, Business School of Renmin University of China
  • 2015-Present Academic Director, International MBA Program, Business School of Renmin University of China
  • 2012-2017 Assistant Professor, Xin’ao Endowed Distinguished Chair Professor, Business School of Renmin University of China
  • 2011-2012 Assistant Professor, Business School of Renmin University of China
  • 2004-2011 Adjunct Professor, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University
  • 2002-2005 Project Manager: International Centre for Sustainable Cities, Vancouver, Canada
  • 2001-2002 Project Manager: Uninet Technology, Vancouver, Canada
  • 1999-2000 Communication and Liaison Officer: The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Beijing, China
  • 1997-2000 IT Manager: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Beijing, China
  • 1995-1997 Consultant, International Trade and Contract Negotiations, Beijing, China

Research Interests

International Entrepreneurship & InnInternational Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Social and Environmental Responsibility, Cross-Cultural Management.


Strategy, Global Strategy, Cross-Cultural Management, Business Ethics



Selected Academic Articles:

  • Ghorbani, M. & Carney, M. (2016). The Changing Face of China’s Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33(4): 881-902.
  • Ghorbani, M., & Liao, Y.E. (2014). The Effect of Acculturation on Reparative Behavior in
  • Shame and Guilt Cultures, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 8 (3): 273–298.
  • Ghorbani, M., Liao, Y.E., Çayköylü, S., & Chand, M. (2013). Guilt, Shame, and Reparative Behavior: The Effect of Psychological Proximity, Journal of Business Ethics,
  • 114 (2): 311-323.
  • Chand, M. & Ghorbani, M., (2011), National culture, networks and ethnic entrepreneurship: A comparison of the Indian and Chinese immigrants in the US, International Business Review. 20(6), pp.593-606.
  • Ghorbani, M., (2011), Immigrant effect in melting pot and multicultural societies: A comparison between the USA and Canada, Journal of Asia Business Studies, 5 (1), 23-41.
  • Ghorbani, M. & Tung, R.L., 2007, Behind the Veil: An Exploratory Study of the Myths
  • Ghorbani, M. & Carney, M. (2016). The Changing Face of China’s Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33(4): 881-902.
  • Ghorbani, M., & Liao, Y.E. (2014). The Effect of Acculturation on Reparative Behavior in Shame and Guilt Cultures, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 8 (3): 273–298.
  • Ghorbani, M., Liao, Y.E., Çayköylü, S., & Chand, M. (2013). Guilt, Shame, and Reparative Behavior: The Effect of Psychological Proximity, Journal of Business Ethics, 114 (2): 311-323.
  • Chand, M. & Ghorbani, M., (2011), National culture, networks and ethnic entrepreneurship: A comparison of the Indian and Chinese immigrants in the US, International Business Review. 20(6), pp.593-606.
  • Ghorbani, M., (2011), Immigrant effect in melting pot and multicultural societies: a comparison between the USA and Canada, Journal of Asia Business Studies, 5 (1), pp.23-41.
  • Ghorbani, M. & Rosali, R.L., 2007, Behind the Veil: An Exploratory Study of the Myths and Realities of Women in the Iranian Workforce, Human Resource Management Journal. 17 (4), pp.376–392.

Services & Awards

Key community services

Member of the editorial review board of the journal of Cross-Cultural & Strategy Management and Journal of Asia Business Studies.

Honors and Awards

  • 2017 Outstanding Teaching Award, Renmin University of China
  • 2017 Best Case Study Award, Frontiers of Business Research in China Symposium, Renmin University of China
  • 2011, 2013, 2015, & 2016 Award for distinguished services to the Business School, Renmin University of China
  • 2014 RUC 2013 Award for outstanding service to the university community, Renmin University of China (first time awarded to a foreign faculty member)
  • Member of the editorial review board of the journal of Cross-Cultural & Strategy


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