Lisa Danielski

Washington State Environmental Science and Planning Lead, HDR Engineering / Instructor at UW Professional & Continuing Education


  • UW Professional & Continuing Education




UW Professional & Continuing Education

Lisa Danielski is HDR Engineering’s Washington State Environmental and Science Planning lead with more than 20 years of experience in natural resources studies and environmental permitting for a variety of public infrastructure and private projects throughout the Western U.S.

Danielski manages projects and a team of environmental scientists and cultural resources specialists for services such as wetland, stream and aquatic or terrestrial habitat studies, cultural resource studies, as well as federal, state and local permitting. Danielski’s primary interests are regulatory compliance for ecological restoration and public infrastructure development, wetland and riparian ecology, tribal relations and environmental justice.

She has a B.A. in biology and anthropology from Rice University and is a UW Certificate in Wetland Science & Management (WSM) graduate. Over the last seven years, she has been a student advisor and field instructor for the WSM Certificate program.

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