Judith Jones

Professor and Chair, Department of General Dentistry Director, Center for Clinical Research at Boston University


  • Boston University



Boston University

Dr. Jones is professor and chair of the Department of General Dentistry. Dr. Jones served three years in the U.S. Public Health Services from 1980 to 1983 and then joined the VA-Bedford in 1983. She completed a Dentist-Geriatric Fellowship Program with the VA and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 1985, and directed the VA Geriatric Fellowship Program (1985–1992), the Geriatric Dental Program (1985–1994), and served as chief of the Dental Service from 1994–1998. She was awarded the VA Career Development Award in Health Services Research (1998–2001) and served as head of the Outcomes Section at the VA Center for Health Quality, Outcomes, and Economic Research from 2001 to 2003, when she retired from federal service. At Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, she was an adjunct assistant professor of periodontology and oral biology from 1990 to 1998, associate professor of health policy and health services research and later general dentistry from 1999 to 2005, and was promoted to professor of general dentistry in November of 2005. In 2007, she received the Distinguished Scientist Award in Geriatric Oral Research from the International Association for Dental Research and in 2009 she received the American Dental Education Association’s Gies Award for Outstanding Innovation for a Dental Educator.

Over the past two decades Dr. Jones has made significant contributions to the state of the knowledge about long-term oral health care, measuring oral health outcomes from patients’ perspectives, and the relationship between oral and systemic diseases.


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6 Of The Most Common Dental Problems, Fixed!

November 29, 2016

Huffington Post Judith Ann Jones, Goldman School of Dental Medicine Smile! There’s good news from the world of dentistry… Expert quote: “As you age, the root of your tooth becomes softer and sometimes more exposed.” View full article

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Advocates push for Medicare dental coverage

November 7, 2016

Boston Herald Judith Jones, Henry Goldman School of Dental Medicine Aging can take a toll on teeth, and for many seniors paying for dental services is a serious concern because they can’t rely on their Medicare coverage… Expert quote: “It’s meant to attract people. It gets people in but the coverage is really limited.” View […]

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Seniors’ Teeth Need Dental Care, But Insurance Coverage Is Rare

October 27, 2016

NPR Judith Jones, Goldman School of Dental Medicine Aging can take a toll on teeth, and for many older people paying for dental services is a serious concern because they can’t rely on their Medicare coverage… Expert quote: The plans often are “a loss leader,” said Dr. Judith Jones, a professor of dentistry at Boston […]

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The Fiftysomething Diet: Your Body After a Food Splurge

August 2, 2016

NextAvenue Judith Jones, Goldman School of Dental Medicine The inside scoop on what those unhealthy binges are doing to you… View full article

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Dental Insurance That Will Save Your Smile

December 15, 2015

Consumer Reports Judith Jones, Goldman School of Dental Medicine Doling out the cash to get a toothache treated can hurt almost as much as the tooth itself… Expert quote: “The quality of care is excellent.” View full article

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Why going to the dentist is so hard for the elderly

December 7, 2015

Washington Post Judith Jones, Goldman School of Dental Medicine Ada Anderson tried to prepare her 80-year-old mother for her dental visit. She gave her medication to quell her anxiety, and they rehearsed opening her mouth wide… Expert quote: “You have people who have maintained their oral health their entire lives, only to see it go […]

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Too old for cavities? Think again, dentists say

June 18, 2015

USA Today Judith Jones, Goldman School of Dental Medicine Alice Boghosian, a dentist in Niles, Ill., says she was working on an 87-year-old patient recently when she discovered a cavity and exclaimed, “You have got to be kidding me.”… Expert quote: “It’s as much a problem in seniors as it is in kids.” View full […]

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Too old for cavities? Think again, dentists say

February 8, 2015

USA Today Judith Jones, Goldman School of Dental Medicine Alice Boghosian, a dentist in Niles, Ill., says she was working on an 87-year-old patient recently when she discovered a cavity and exclaimed, “You have got to be kidding me.”… Expert quote: “It’s as much a problem in seniors as it is in kids.” View full […]

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There is More to Your Mouthwash Than a Minty Taste

January 12, 2015

Wall Street Journal (subscription required) Judith Jones, Goldman School of Dental Medicine People gargle mouthwash thinking it will get rid of bad breath, but that is the minty liquid’s least effective function… Expert quote: “Daily fluoride rinses work really well. It’s as good as getting two fluoride treatments.” View full article

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Tending to Unmet Dental Needs, a Root of Elder Hunger

January 2, 2015

Wall Street Journal (subscription required) Judith Jones, Goldman School of Dental Medicine For many homebound seniors, the biggest challenge to staving off hunger and getting needed nutrition isn’t having money to buy food or the physical or cognitive ability to prepare it… Expert quote: “It’s not sexy. Dental care for kids is what people are […]

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