Isabella Weber

Assistant Professor of Economics and Research Leader in China Studies at the Political Economy Research Institute at Isenberg School of Management


  • Isenberg School of Management



Isenberg School of Management

Economist Isabella Weber has gained international attention for her proposal to use price controls as a way to combat inflation.

A highly-sought expert, Isabella, Weber burst onto the international scene in late 2021 when she authored an op-ed for The Guardian explaining how price caps could help alleviate the economic crisis Germany faced from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The suggestion sharply divided economic experts and led to a campaign of online harassment against the economist, including from a Nobel laureate. The online harassment slowed after other renowned economists stepped into the conversation to defend Weber. Ultimately, in an effort to slow inflation, German authorities did decide to implement energy price cap measures suggested by Weber.

Among her other accolades, she was named one of Germany’s “100 Women of the Year” for 2022 by FOCUS, one of the country’s largest news magazines.


  • The New School for Social Research
    • Ph.D., Economcs
  • University of Cambridge
    • Ph.D., Development Studies
  • The New School for Social Research
    • M.A., Economics
  • Freie Universität Berlin
    • B.A., Political Science (with Economics minor)


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