Irina Heimbach

Assistant Professor at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management


  • WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management



WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

Research interests

Irina has been always fascinated how digitalization pervades all aspects of modern everyday life, business, and society. Her research centers particularly on digital markets, privacy, content sharing on social media, algorithmic decision making and data analytics. With respect to methodology, she applies econometric methods, web and text mining as well as field and laboratory experiments. She highly appreciates working inter- and multidisciplinary bridging various academic disciplines as well as academia and practice.

Irina received her PhD in Information Systems from TU Darmstadt in 2016. Prior to joining WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in November 2017, she spent six years working as a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Information Systems, esp. Electronic Markets, TU Darmstadt. At TU Darmstadt, Irina was actively involved in interdisciplinary DFG-funded research projects and assisted elective courses in Decision Support Systems, Information Systems, Electronic Markets and Social Network Analysis. In spring 2017, she was a visiting researcher at Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California in Los Angeles, USA.

Irina's research has been published in Information Systems Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, BISE, Electronic Markets and Journal of Business Economics as well as in international conferences in Information Systems, Marketing and Computer Science. Her research won the Claudio Ciborra-Award of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2013 and experienced wide media coverage. Irina holds diploma in Business Administration from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (2010) where she graduated top of her class and diploma in German Studies from Udmurt State University in Izhevsk, Russia (2003). In 2010, she has been awarded the DAAD-Prize for the outstanding achievement of a foreign student.

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