Giulia Cancellieri

Assistant Professor (Rtd A) at Università Ca'​ Foscari Venezia


Giulia Cancellieri is Assistant Professor at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (Department of Management) where she teaches Marketing of Cultural Productions, Competitive Analysis and Business Economics and Management. She was a visiting research scholar at the Ross School of Business (University of Michigan) and she held positions as Post-Doctoral and Research Fellow at Bocconi University in Milan and LUISS Guido Carli in Rome where she collaborated with the International Center for Research on Social Innovation.

Her research interests include artistic innovation and cultural entrepreneurship, the social evaluation of novelty in cultural fields and social innovation. She is the author of several articles and working papers on these topics. She received two best paper awards from the International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) and she presented her papers at several premier international conferences including the Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference (SMS) and the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management. In 2016 she joined the research team of the European project ITSSOIN (Impact of the Third Sector as Social Innovation).

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