Gigi Limpens

Project consultant and Monitoring and Evaluation coordinator at Maastricht School of Management


  • Maastricht School of Management



Maastricht School of Management

Gigi is a Project Consultant and the Monitoring and Evaluation coordinator for the Expert Centre on Emerging Economies at MSM. In her function as a project manager, for two ongoing projects in Indonesia and a project in Egypt, she is engaged in the planning and execution of project activities, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of project teams, with a focus on quality assurance, in order to achieve sustainable impact in the region and beyond.

As the Monitoring and Evaluation coordinator, she is responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of MSM’s complete projects portfolio in accordance to IATI standards. This includes activities such as strategic framework development, impact assessments and stakeholder communication. Moreover, as the Monitoring and Evaluation coordinator she has set-up collaborative long-term impact assessment studies in 17 active projects with local lead partners.

Ms. Limpens holds a master’s degree from the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics, with a specialty in Marketing-Finance and Strategic-Marketing.

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