Gerald Midgley

Professor of Systems Thinking at University of Hull at Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies


  • Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies




Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Professor Gerald Midgley is Professor of Systems Thinking in the Business School at the University of Hull. He also holds Adjunct Professorships at the University of Queensland, Australia; Mälardalen University, Sweden; the University of Canterbury, New Zealand; and Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Gerald was Director of the Centre for Systems Studies at Hull from 1997 to 2003 and from 2010 to 2014. He has had more than 300 papers published on systems thinking, action research and stakeholder engagement, and has been involved in a wide variety of public sector, community development and resource management projects.

Book Chapter

  • Critical Systems Thinking, Systemic Intervention and Beyond
    Midgley, G., & Rajagopalan, R. (2021). Critical Systems Thinking, Systemic Intervention and Beyond. In G. S. Metcalf, K. Kijima, & H. Deguchi (Eds.), Handbook of Systems Sciences (107-157). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Journal Article

  • A systems perspective on systemic innovation
    Midgley, G., & Lindhult, E. (2021). A systems perspective on systemic innovation. Systems research and behavioral science, 38(5), 635–670.

  • Designing interagency responses to wicked problems: Creating a common, cross-agency understanding
    Sydelko, P., Midgley, G., & Espinosa, A. (2021). Designing interagency responses to wicked problems: Creating a common, cross-agency understanding. European journal of operational research, 24(1), 250-263.


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