Frances Kamm

Littauer Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School


  • Harvard Kennedy School



Harvard Kennedy School

Frances M. Kamm is Littauer Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy, HKS, Professor of Philosophy, FAS, and Affiliated Faculty, Harvard Law School. She is the author of Creation and Abortion; Morality, Mortality, Vol. 1: Death and Whom to Save From It; Morality, Mortality, Vol. 2: Rights, Duties, and Status; Intricate Ethics; Ethics for Enemies: Terror, Torture, and War; The Moral Target: Aiming at Right Conduct in War and Other Conflicts; Bioethical Prescriptions, and The Trolley Problem Mysteries. Kamm also has published many articles on normative ethical theory and practical ethics. She has held ACLS, AAUW, NEH, and Guggenheim fellowships and has been a Fellow of the Program in Ethics and the Professions at the Kennedy School, the Center for Human Values at Princeton, and the Center for Advanced Study at Stanford. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is a member of the editorial boards of Philosophy & Public Affairs, Legal Theory, Bioethics, and Utilitas and was a consultant on ethics to the World Health Organization. She is a member of the steering committee of the University Program in Ethics and Health and is on the University Faculty Committee of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics.

Selected Publications

Academic Journal/Scholarly Articles

  • Kamm, Frances. "The Morality of Risks in Research: Reflections on Kumar." Journal of Medical Ethics (September 19, 2016).
  • Kamm, Frances. "The Ethics of Later Abortion." The Philosophers' Magazine 74 (August 3, 2016): 19-21.
  • Kamm, Frances. "The Trolley Problem and Aggression." Social Philosophy and Policy 32.2 April 2016.

Book Chapters

Kamm, F.M. "Torture: Rescue, Prevention, and Punishment." The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War. Ed. Lazar, Seth, and Helen Frowe. Oxford University Press, 2016.


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