David González Pisano

Big Data & Health Professor - Master in Business Analytics & Big Data at IE Business School


  • IE Business School




IE Business School

Academic Background

  • Accelerate: Building Business from Science & Technology, IE Business School
  • MSc Biochemistry, Univ. Oviedo
  • BSc Molecular Biology, Univ. Oviedo

Corporate Experience

  • Founder & CTO, CSSC (Oviedo: 1995-1997)
  • Project Consultant, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Madrid: 1998)
  • Project Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Madrid: 1999)
  • Service Delivery Manager for Iberia and Latin America, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Madrid: 2000-2001)
  • Head Bioinformatician, GENOMICA (Zeltia) (Madrid: 2001-2003)
  • CTO, National Bioinformatics Institute (Madrid: 2004-2009)
  • Head of Bioinformatics, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) (Madrid: 2006-2016)
  • Health Analytics Head, Sanitas (Madrid: 2016-now)

Academic Experience

  • Master in Business Analytics & Big Data (IE Business School)
  • Master in Research Methodology in Molecular Biosciences (U. Autonoma Madrid)
  • Master in Bioinformatics (U. Complutense de Madrid, National Health School)
  • Master in Health Biotechnology, Technology and Biotechnology Management (CESIF, Madrid)
  • Summer School in Bioinformatics (U. Complutense, Madrid)
  • Biotechnology Degree (Univ. Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid)
  • Biology Degree (IE University, Segovia)

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