Claire-Lise Ackermann

Associate Professor at Rennes School of Business


  • Rennes School of Business



Rennes School of Business


  • Brand Management
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Sales Management


  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France (2022)
  • Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université de Nantes, France (2010)
  • HEC Paris MSc in Management (1994)
  • CEMS Master in International Management (1994)


Service to the Institution

  • Study tour coordinator
  • Supervision of Ph.D. Students
  • Supervision of M.Sc. Students

Service to Profession

  • Reviewer for European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Research interests

  • Social Implicit Cognition
  • Innovation and Product Design
  • Omni-channel experience

Work Experience


  • Associate Professor, Marketing Pole Area, Rennes School of Business (September, 2017 – Present)
  • Assistant Professor, Marketing Pole Area, Rennes School of Business (February, 2011 – August, 2017)
  • Head of the Strategy and Marketing Department, Rennes School of Business (2011-2013)
  • Adjunct Faculty, Rennes School of Business, Audencia School of Management, ESC Bretagne Brest (2007 – 2010)

Non Academic

  • PSA Production System Manager, PSA Peugeot Citroën (2006 – 2007)
  • Master Plan Manager, PSA Peugeot Citroën (2001 – 2006)
  • Quality Assurance Manager, PSA Peugeot Citroën (1999 – 2000)
  • Zone Manager, PSA Peugeot Citroën (1998 – 1999)
  • Training Project Manager, PSA Peugeot Citroën (1994 – 1997)

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • Vichiengior, T., Ackermann, C.-L., Palmer, A. (2023) Consumer anticipation as a performative experience. European Journal of Marketing
  • Ackermann, C.-L., Sun, H., Teichert, T., Tercia, C. and Trivedi, R.. (2021) Mask wearing as a prosocial consumption behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic: An application of the theory of reasoned action, Journal of Marketing Management, 37, 17-18, 1840-1865.
  • Truong, Y., Ackermann, C.-L., and Klink, R. (2021) The Role of Legitimacy and Reputation Judgments in Users’ Selection of Service Providers on Sharing Economy Platforms. Information & Management 58: 103529.
  • Teichert, T., Wörfel, P., and Ackermann, C.-L. (2021). Casual snacking as an automatic process: A grounded cognition framework, British Food Journal. Vol. 123 (5) 1705-1721.
  • Ackermann, C. L., Matson-Barkat, S. and Truong, Y. (2022). A legitimacy perspective on sharing economy consumption in the accommodation sector. Current Issues in Tourism, 25, 12, 1947-1967
  • Vichiengior, T., Ackermann, C-.L., and Palmer, A. (2019). Effect of Consumer Anticipation on Post Consumption Evaluation of Pleasant Products, in R Bagchi, L Block, et L Lee (eds.) NA – Advances in Consumer Research, 47: 888-889. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research
  • Picot-Coupey, K., Krey, N., Huré, E., and Ackermann, C.-L. (2021). Still work and/or fun? – Corroborating the personal shopping value scale, Journal of Business Research. Vol. 126 578-590.
  • Belboula, I., and Ackermann, C.-L. (2020). Consumer response to service brand physical elements: Using a semantic priming task to explore implicit understanding of service brand meaning, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61, 102019.
  • Hetet, B., Ackermann, C.-L. and Mathieu, J.-P. (2020). The role of brand innovativeness on attitudes towards new products marketed by the brand, Journal of Product & Brand Management. Vol. 29 (5) 569-581.
  • Belboula, I., Ackermann, C.-L., Mathieu, J.-P. and Cuny, C. (2019). Consumers’ responses to product design: Using a Semantic Priming Task to assess automatic understanding of product positioning, International Journal of Market Research. Vol. 61 (2) 140-156.
  • Vichiengior, T., Ackermann, C-.L., and Palmer, A. (2019) Consumer anticipation: antecedents, processes and outcomes, Journal of Marketing Management. Vol. 35 (1-2) 130-159.
  • Ackermann, Claire-Lise, Thorsten Teichert, and Yann Truong (2018). So, what is it? And do I like it?” New product categorization and the formation of consumer implicit attitude, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 34(9-10) 796–818.
  • Belboula, I., Ackermann C.L., and Mathieu, J.-P. (2018). Product design and hierarchized persuasion process: an application to three household electrical products, Recherche et Applications en Marketing. Vol 33 (4) 2-23.
  • Huré, E., Picot-Coupey, K. and Ackermann, C.L. (2017). Understanding Omni-Channel Shopping Value: A Mixed-Method Study, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol 39 (Nov 2017) 314-330.
  • Hetet, B., Ackermann, C.-L., and Mathieu, J.-P. (2016). Perceived newness: theoretical background and proposal of a measurement scale, Revue Française du Marketing. Vol 256 (2/4) 61-79.
  • Ackermann, C.-L. and Mathieu, J.-P. (2015). Implicit attitudes and their measurement: theoretical foundations and use in consumer behaviour research, Recherche et Applications en Marketing. Vol 30 (2) 58-81.
  • Ackermann, C.-L. and Palmer, A. (2014). The contribution of implicit cognition to the Theory of Reasoned Action Model: A study of food preferences, Journal of Marketing Management. Vol 30 (5-6) 529-550.
  • Fort-Rioche, L. and Ackermann, C.-L. (2013). Consumer Innovativeness, perceived innovation and attitude towards neo-retro product design. European Journal of Innovation Management. Vol 16 (4) 495 – 516.
  • Ackermann, C.-L. and Mathieu, J.-P. (2012). Risque et lancement de nouveaux produits : l’apport de la cognition sociale implicite. Management et Avenir. Vol 57 (7) 160-176.
  • Refereed Proceedings
  • Basic or Discovery Scholarship
  • Ackermann, C-L, and Hetet, B. (2023) Innovativeness as a Brand Personality trait: Concept, Measurement, and Validation. 54th Advances in Consumer Research Conference 2023, Seattle, USA 25-29 October
  • Ackermann, C.-L., Hetet Blandine. (2023) Brand Innovativeness: Concept, Measurement, and Validation. 16th Global Brand Conference, Bergame, Italy, 3-5 May
  • Ackermann, C-.L., Hetet, B., and Belboula, I. (2022). Développement d’une échelle de la nouveauté perçue, 38ième Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing, Tunis, Tunisia, 18-20 May
  • Ackermann, C.-L., and Hetet, B. (2022). Brand Innovativeness: Concept, Measurement, and Validation, 15th Global Brand Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, 4th – 6th May
  • Ackermann, C-.L., Hetet, B., andBelboula, I. (2021). Development and validation of a multidimensional Product Perceived Newness scale, 52nd Advances in Consumer Research, Seattle, WA, 28-30 October.
  • Ackermann, C-.L., Hetet, B., and Belboula, I. (2021). Nouveauté perçue : Concept, mesure et validation, 37ième Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing, Angers, France, 18-20 May
  • Ackermann, C-.L., Hetet, B., and Belboula, I. (2021). Product Perceived Newness: Concept, Measurement, and Validation, 20th International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice, Italy, 14-16 January
  • Ackermann, C-.L., Matson-Barkat, S., and Truong, Y. (2020). Consumers’ attitudes toward Sharing Economy Platforms: A Legitimacy Perspective, 17th International Research Conference in Service Management, La Londe les Maures, France, cancelled due to CODIV-19 pandemic
  • Belboula, I., and Ackermann C.-L. (2020). Le pouvoir persuasif du design d’un produit : approche holistique et croyances symboliques, 36ième Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing, Biarritz, France, cancelled due to CODIV-19 pandemic
  • Teichert, T., Wörfel, P., and Ackermann C.-L. (2020). Casual snacking as an automatic process: A grounded cognition framework, 19th International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, France, 16-18 January
  • Belboula, I., and Ackermann C.L. (2019), Implicit understanding of services logo meaning, 18th International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice, 17-19 January
  • Truong, Y., Ackermann, C.L., and Klink, R. (2018), Legitimacy and Reputation Judgments in the Selection of Service Providers on Sharing Economy Platforms, 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia, 5-7 July
  • Picot-Coupey, K, Krey, N, Huré, E, and Ackermann, CL (2018) Still Work and/or Fun? – Replicating the Personal Shopping Value Scale, Corroboration in Marketing Research Workshop, 21st Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Porto, Portugal, 26-29 June
  • Vichiengior, T., Ackermann, C-.L., and Palmer, A. (2018), Exploring consumers’ anticipation of non-routine services and its impacts on post-consumptions’ evaluation, 15th International Research Conference in Service Management, La Londe les Maures, France, 10-13 June
  • Ackermann, C.L., and Kernoa, J. (2018), An investigation of the effect of nostalgia proneness and consumer innovativeness on acceptance of retro products, 46th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference , New Orleans, LA, 23-25 May
  • Picot-Coupey, K., Krey, N., Huré, E., and Ackermann, C.L. (2018), Physical Shopping Value in a Digitalized Setting: Theoretical Thoughts and Empirical Investigations, 46th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference , New Orleans, LA, 23-25 May
  • Hetet, B., and Ackermann, C.L. (2018), Brand innovativeness and perceived newness: a clarification of consumers’ evaluation of new products, 13th Global Brand Conference, Newcastle, UK, 2-4 May
  • Ackermann, C-.L., and and Palmer, A. (2017), Consumers’ evaluations of local food: a multi-method approach, 50th Academy of Marketing Conference, Hull, UK, 4-6 July
  • Vichiengior, T. and Ackermann, C-.L. (2017). The concept of Anticipation and its relevance to consumer behavior, 16th International Marketing Trends Conference, Madrid, Spain, 26-28 January
  • Huré E., Picot-Coupey, K., and Ackermann, C-.L. (2016). Towards a measure of the value of an omni-channel shopping experience, 23rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Edinburgh, Scotland, 11-14 July
  • Ackermann, C.-L. and Palmer, A. (2016). Service trial and its effects on attitude change, 14th International Research Conference in Service Management, La Londe les Maures, France, 31 May-3 June
  • Ackermann, C.-L. and Teichert, T. (2016). A conceptual paper on implicit gambling orientation, 15th International Marketing Trends Conference , Venice, Italy, 21-23 January
  • Belboula, I., and Ackermann, C.-L. (2016). Emotional Design Measures: complementarity of explicit and implicit measure, 15th International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice, Italy, 21-23 January
  • Belboula, I., Ackermann, C.-L. and Mathieu, J.-P. (2015). Design et positionnement des produits horlogers : l’apport de la cognition implicite, 31ième Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing, Marrakech, Maroc, 20-22 May 2015
  • Belboula, I., Ackermann, C.-L. and Mathieu, J.-P. (2014). Design produit et positionnement marketing : l’apport de la cognition implicite, 13th International Marketing Trends Conference , Venice, Italy, 24-25 January
  • Ackermann, C.-L., Mathieu, J.-P. and Fort-Rioche, L. (2012). L’impact de l’expérience antérieure sur l’attitude implicite à l’égard d’un nouveau design produit : le cas du rétro-marketing automobile. 28ième Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing, Brest, France, May 2012
  • Ackermann, C.-L., Mathieu, J.-P. and Roehrich, G. (2012). Un enrichissement du processus de décision d’adoption d’une innovation par la prise en compte de l’attitude implicite. 11th International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice, Italy, January 2012
  • Ackermann, C.-L., Mathieu, J.-P. and Roehrich, G. (2010). Proposition d’un cadre intégrateur pour l’utilisation de la cognition implicite dans l’étude du comportement du consommateur. 9th International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice, Italy, January 2010

Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements


  • Belboula, I., Ackermann, C.-L. and Mathieu, J.-P. (2015). Design et positionnement produit implicite: application au produit horloger, in Zorik, K. and Courvoisier, F. (eds) Design Horloger : crée-moi une icône, 15-39, Edition LEP, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Belboula, I., et Ackermann, C.-L. (2020). Influence du canal de distribution sur le pouvoir persuasif du design d’un produit : une application au produit horloger, in : Zorik, K. and Courvoisier, F. (coord) Direct to consumer : à la conquête du client horloger, Edition LEP, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland

Presentations of Refereed Papers


  • Belboula, I., and Ackermann C.-L. (2019). Influence du canal de distribution sur le pouvoir persuasif du design d’un produit : une application au produit horloger, 14ème Journée de Recherche en Marketing Horloger, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 4 December
  • Hetet, B., and Ackermann, C.-L. (2015). Prévenir le risque de non-adoption d’une innovation : nouveauté perçue et innovativité motivationnelle, concepts et mesures, 13e colloque francophone sur le risque Oriane, Bayonne, France, 24-25 September 2015
  • Belboula, I., Ackermann, C.-L. and Mathieu, J.-P. (2013). Design et positionnement marketing : l’apport de la cognition implicite pour une meilleure compréhension du design produit, 11e colloque francophone sur le risque Oriane, Bayonne, France, 26-27 September
  • Ackermann, C.-L. and Mathieu, J.-P. (2010). Risque et lancement de nouveaux produits : l’apport de la cognition implicite. 8ème Colloque francophone sur le risque Oriane, Bayonne, France, September 2010
  • Ackermann, C.-L. and Mathieu, J.-P. (2010). Design de la marque et cognition implicite : une application au rétromarketing automobile, Premières journées de recherche sur le Design de la Marque, Limoges, France, September 2010

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