Christine Kohlert

Professor at the Media Design University in Munich



Christine Kohlert, Prof. Dr. Ing., has been dealing with the learning and working worlds of the future for over 30 years, in particular with the interaction of space and organization.

She designs vision and strategy workshops, organizes and accompanies excursions to interesting projects with subsequent "lessons learned", speaks at congresses and gives lectures on the subject of learning and working. It is very important to use tools and methods to involve users in projects right from the start.

She is a professor at the Media Design University in Munich and the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg.

At MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) she supervised various research projects for 12 years as a research affiliate. As an architect and urban planner, she worked in various well-known offices worldwide and looked after renowned clients in the USA, Great Britain, China, Sweden and Eastern Europe. Christine Kohlert lived for three years in Tanzania, East Africa, and one year in Kosovo, where she taught, among other things, at the universities there.

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