Carlos Coelho

Professor at FIAP


My personal goal has always been to reach challenges that impact many people bringing innovation and creativity to the world. I am studying strategies to build and implement solutions and challenges at country and global levels.

I have been working with education for many years and I believe that it needs to be improved. Today I am focus on making an impact on private and public education, developing finance programs, sales process and scalable projects for all schools in Brazil. However I believe that the objective must be on results, deliveries and goals.
I worked at Apple where I had the opportunity to launch and improve global educational programs in Brazil also I learned a lot about behavior, skills and management of big companies.

As a hobby I am founder of a summer camp, for children and teenagers. Also I'm a marketing professor. In 2011 I lived, worked and studied at Singularity University which it is inside NASA Park, Silicon Valley, CA. During 06 months I participated of all programs, lived with people of 35 different countries and received innovative knowledge experience. I watched speeches of Aubrey De Gray, Peter Diamandis, Ray Kurzweil, Steve Wozniak, Astro Teller and others. I left SU in love with new mindset and looking for new ideas outside the box.

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