Barbara Rovetta

Professor of Corporate Finance at SDA Bocconi School of Management


  • SDA Bocconi School of Management



SDA Bocconi School of Management

Barbara Rovetta graduated in Business Administration at Bocconi University and got her PhD in Corporate Finance at Trieste University. In 2004 she has been visiting scholar at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, USA. Since 2000 she has been Professor of Corporate Finance at Bocconi University and SDA Bocconi School of Management, where she teaches at the executive courses of the Fashion, Luxury & Lifestyle Platform. She’s also a Faculty member of the international Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management (MAFED) SDA Bocconi - Altagamma and she is in charge of the Fashion & Luxury Insight, SDA Bocconi - Altagamma – Ernst & Young. Her research and professional interests are in the field of corporate finance for fashion and luxury companies. Among her publications: “Brand Italiani. Sviluppo e Finanziamento”(with M. Dallocchio et al., Egea, 2006), “Assetti di governo e concentrazione proprietaria in Italia” (with G. Rossi, Rivista AIAF, 2006), “La gestione del brand nelle aziende italiane”, (with D. Predovic, Finanza, Marketing e Produzione, 2004), “Il processo di crescita attraverso operazioni di M&A: misurazione delle performance nel settore fashion” (La Valutazione delle Aziende, 2002).


  • SDA Bocconi


  • Professor of Corporate Finance SDA Bocconi (2000 — 2011)
  • Director, Master in Corporate Finance (MCF) SDA Bocconi School of Management (2009 — 2011)
  • Professor SDA Bocconi (2000 — 2005)
  • Assistant Professor SDA Bocconi (2000 — 2005)

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