Andrew Lewin

Founder of the highly popular Speak Up for Blue podcast and the President of Speak Up for Blue Media and Communications, Inc. at Nicholas School of the Environment


  • Nicholas School of the Environment




Nicholas School of the Environment

My Entrepreneurial focus is to help people to Live For A Better Ocean in two ways: 1) Start a career in Ocean Conservation; and, 2) Make lifestyle changes with healthy oceans in mind. Below is a description of both of my goals:

Start A Career in Ocean Conservation

Working as a Marine Conservationist can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life; however, building it into a career is very challenging, especially if you don't know what you are doing.

  • I offer an online service that helps people get jobs in the field of Ocean Conservation for which they strive
  • My Marine Conservation working Experience Program allows members to gain working experience on projects from small non-profit organizations that provides each member with the following:
  • Real world skills that employers desire;
  • Experience tailored to your desired field in Ocean Conservation;
  • Long term experience required to attain jobs;
  • Virtual learning environment to reduce member costs and allow them to focus on getting experience rather than finding funds for room and board; and,
  • Mentoring by me on the strategies and implementation to build your career in Ocean Conservation

Make Lifestyle Changes with Healthy Oceans in Mind

  • I help people make better decisions in their lifestyle by raising awareness of ocean issues, educating them on the Ocean and its Species; and, inspiring them to take action and live for a better Ocean
  • My website,, is the hub where you can find all of the resources necessary to make ocean-wise decisions
  • You can listen to The Speak Up For Blue Podcast 5 days a week for Ocean News and Conservation projects from around the world


Courses Taught

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