Alejandro Fonseca



  • EGADE Business School



EGADE Business School

Dr. Fonseca Ramirez’s areas of research and teaching comprise finance, international finance, financial modeling, econometrics, and risk management. He has published numerous academic articles on finance and economy in journals such as the Journal of International Management, Accountancy and Management, of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and Stochastics, of the Autonomous Metropolitan University. He has also been recognised for his work on The Great Recession 2007-2012 (La Gran Recesión 2007-2012, IMEF).

Professor Fonsesca Ramirez has worked in several educational institutions, such as the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics and the University of Texas in Austin, where he was an assistant researcher. This was in addition to his distinguished academic career as professor and researcher at Tecnológico de Monterrey.


  • Ortiz, Edgar, et al. "The integration of Latin American bond markets: a copula analysis approach (1999-2015)." International Journal of Bonds and Derivatives 2.3 (2016): 267-283.
  • Suárez-Warden, Fernando, et al. "Profit Model for Incorporating AR Technology in Assembly Tasks of Aeronautical Maintenance." Procedia Computer Science 75 (2015): 113-122.
  • Santillan-Salgado, Roberto J., and Alejandro Fonseca Ramírez. "Cointegration between R2 and Volatility in the Mexican Stock Exchange Stock Prices." (2013).
  • Grosse, Robert, and Alejandro Fonseca. "Learning through imports in the internationalization process." Journal of International Management 18.4 (2012): 366-378.
  • Modelado de la Volatilidad del Tipo de Cambio Peso Dólar Alejandro Fonseca Ramírez, EGADE Business School, Roberto J. Santillán Salgado, EGADE Business School Francisco López Herrera, División de Investigación, FCA UNAM, en Modelos para la Toma de decisiones en la ingeniería económica y financiera un enfoque estocástico.v.2.UAEH-IPN. 2016.


  • Ph.D. in Economics
    • The University of Texas at Austin
  • M.S. in Economics
    • The University of Texas at Austin
  • Master in Economics
    • CIDE Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas

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