Adrien Matray

Assistant Professor of economics at Princeton University



Adrien Matray is an assistant professor of economics in Princeton's Department of Economics. His research spans corporate finance, entrepreneurship, innovation, misallocation, banking, and financial inclusion. One strand of research looks at aspects of financial inclusion for low-income households and minorities both in the US and in developing countries.

A second strand of his work investigates the frictions affecting entrepreneurship, SME growth, and technology adoption and how new technologies affect SME productivity, employment, and income growth. Ongoing work (with Johan Hombert) studies how different types of asset bubbles (technological bubbles vs. house price bubbles for instance) affect worker allocation and can distort the economy. Matray earned his doctorate from HEC Paris and joined Princeton’s faculty in 2016.

Field of Interests

Primary: Misallocation, Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

Secondary: Trade, Banking, Development, Taxation

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