Industry and Manufacturing courses in Helsinki, Finland

Short executive courses on Industry and Manufacturing

HECTOR School of Engineering & Management:
Certificate Course Smart Manufacturing & Automation With Industry 4.0
The trend towards industrial automation and Industry 4.0 will change production significantly in the future. Therefore it is imperative to understand basic principles of automation and Industry 4.0 to meet the challenges facing production in the future. The certificate course Smart Manufacturing...
1 days
4231.3739000000005 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Safe Isolation of Plant and Equipment
Failures during the isolation and reinstatement of process plant are one of the main causes of loss-of-containment incidents, and may lead to major accidents. High standards of isolation and rigorous management control are required for plant isolation and reinstatement, particularly in major...
5 days
3800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Maintenance of Process Plant Equipment
Pressure vessels, heat exchangers, aboveground atmospheric storage tanks, and piping systems typically represent over half the capital investment in a process plant. These fixed equipment and piping systems are subject to a number of damage mechanisms throughout their service life that could...
5 days
3800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Process Plant Performance & Efficiency
This course will outline the step by step process of designing, installing and commissioning photovoltaic and wind powered systems. This comprehensive workshop covers the important issues enabling you to do simple designs and then to investigate the design and installation issues in more detail...
5 days
3800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Logistics in Manufacturing Management
Production is one of the most basic and important functions of human activity. It created the wealth of nations and is central to any business strategies. Planning and co-ordination is vital, as production can be a high cost operation within the business. Do companies suffer from material and...
5 days
3800 USD
Abu Dhabi
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3800 USD

Or try online courses

HECTOR School of Engineering & Management:
1 days
4231.3739000000005 USD
KPMG Executive Education:
125 USD

Courses under 3500 USD

Georgia Tech Professional Education:
3 days
1545 USD
Georgia Tech Professional Education:
1 days
395 USD
Georgia Tech Professional Education:
3 days
1345 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3300 USD