Found 999+ experts

Philippe Cudré-Mauroux

International institute of management in technology

Professor at International institute of management in technology

Steven Utke

UCONN - University of Connecticut

Associate Professor at UCONN - University of Connecticut

Daniel Wolfenzon

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Sloan School of Management

Columbia Business School

Stefan H. Robock Professor of Finance and Economics at Columbia Business School

Hao Xing

Boston University

Professor at The London School of Economics and Political Science/Associate Professor at Boston University

Cem Ozturk

The Scheller College of Business

Darla Moore School of Business

Assistant Professor at The Scheller College of Business

Xitong Li

HEC Paris

Associate Professor at HEC Paris

Peter Li


Visiting Professor at ESMT

Steve Evans

Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership

Director of Research, Institute for Manufacturing at Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership

Eric Schwartz

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Harvard Kennedy School

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Wen Wen

McCombs School of Business

Assistant Professor at McCombs School of Business