Found 999+ experts

Ian Greer

ILR School

Senior Research Associate at ILR School

Jens Olav Dahlgaard

CBS Executive

Assistant professor, at CBS Executive

Robert Goldstein

Harvard Medical School

Carlson School of Management

Professor, C Arthur Williams Jr/ Minnesota Insurance Industry Chair at Carlson School of Management

Cindy McLaughlin

Center for Creative Leadership

Senior Design and Delivery Faculty Americas at Center for Creative Leadership

Randolph Wentworth

Harvard Kennedy School

Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School

Anne Power

The London School of Economics and Political Science

Emeritus Professor of Social Policy Department of Social Policy at The London School of Economics and Political Science

Justin Jackson

The Chartered Institute of Marketing

Lecturer, Consultant, Facilitator at The Chartered Institute of Marketing

Radhika Khosla

Said Business School

Senior Researcher at Said Business School

Manzur Rashid

UCL School of Management

Associate Professor (Education) at UCL School of Management

Lily Song

Assistant Professor of Race, Social Justice, and the Built Environment at Northeastern University