Found 999+ experts

Pierre Madec

Sciences Po

Economiste - département analyse et prévision at Sciences Po

Christian Schulze

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Associate Professor of Marketing at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Michael Gmeiner

The London School of Economics and Political Science

Assistant Professorial Lecturer of Economics at The London School of Economics and Political Science

Bijan Ghorbani

INSEAD Business School

Guest Lecturer at INSEAD Business School

Jean Luc Arregle

EMLYON Business School


Michael Raith

Simon Business School

Associate Professor of Economics and Management at Simon Business School

Chengxin Cao

Zicklin School of Business

Assistant Professor at Zicklin School of Business

Margaret Oppenheimer

DePaul University

Professor Emerita Department of Economics at DePaul University

Christophe Jouffrais

National University of Singapore

Invited Professor at National University of Singapore

Kimosha Murphy

DePaul University

Adjunct Professor at DePaul University