Found 999+ experts

P. K. Kannan

The Robert H. Smith School of Business

Ray (Rui) Fang

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Sameer Gavankar

Adjunct Professor of Kinesiology at Santa Monica College

Anne Elstrom Park

Senior Lecturer

Bill Gartner

CBS Executive

Professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Terry Marsh

Haas School of Business

Professor Emeritus at Haas School of Business

Steven Huchendorf

Carlson School of Management

Senior Lecturer at Carlson School of Management

Horst-​Michael Prasser

ETH Zurich

Professor of Nuclear Energy Systems at Zurich School for Continuing Education

Markus Taussig

Rutgers Business School

Associate Professor at Rutgers Business School

Francis Mediavilla


Professor of Statistics at Texas State University at -