Found 999+ experts

Tony Cai

The Wharton School

Dorothy Silberberg Professor at The Wharton School

Christopher Bono

Harvard Medical School

Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School

Ines Hartmann

Executive School of Management, Technology and Law

Senior Project Manager at Executive School of Management, Technology and Law

Mohammad Farhad Hossain

Alliance Manchester Business School

Senior Lecturer in Development Management and Policy at Alliance Manchester Business School

Beng Ooi

National University of Singapore

Lee Kong Chian Centennial Professor at National University of Singapore

Gokce Esenduran

Purdue University

Associate Professor of Management at Purdue University

Gustavo Subero

Imperial College London

Lecturer in Visual Cultures and Intersectional Studies at Imperial College London

Susanto Rahardja

National University of Singapore

Adjunct Professor at National University of Singapore

Ganesh Anand

Associate Professor of Chemistry, and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Penn State University

Chee Yuen Yap

Singapore Management University

Adjunct Faculty at Singapore Management University