Found 999+ experts

Ashlyn Aiko Nelson

Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Associate Professor at Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Susanne Bruyere


ILR School

School of Hotel Administration

Professor of Disability Studies at ILR School

Kate Cooney

Yale School of Management

Assistant Professor at Boston University School of Social Work / Lecturer in Social Enterprise and Management at Yale School of Management

John Ruggie

Harvard Kennedy School

Berthold Beitz Professor in Human Rights and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School

Timothy Heath

Professor at University of South Florida

Sandra Vera Munoz

Mendoza College of Business

Associate Professor of Accountancy / Deloitte Foundation Department of Accountancy Chair at Mendoza College of Business

Stephen Davidson

Boston University

Professor Emeritus of Markets, Public Policy, and Law at Boston University

Charles Leiserson

MIT Professional Education

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at MIT Professional Education

Christopher Manning

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Stanford University (ONLINE)

Professor of computer science and linguistics at Stanford Graduate School of Business